Airdrop OnSwap


Big Eyes Coin Is Here For The Long Run

Sustainability is what drives the Big Eyes Coin ecosystem. Although the cryptocurrency aims to drive wealth into the DeFi ecosystem, new cryptocurrency Big Eyes Coin has also focused on saving an essential part of our ecosystem, the oceans.

How will a cryptocurrency like Big Eyes Coin achieve this? Big Eyes Coin will exclusively hold a charity wallet with 5% of its overall tokens inside. These tokens will go directly to ocean conservation sanctuaries, with additional funds added to the charity wallet from NFT transaction fees.

A lot of cryptocurrencies have an extensive ico calendar roadmap yet never reach their full potential. Big Eyes Coin aims to be one of the most famous meme coins in the market, hosting a clear plan of action that can take it to that level. Through influencers and media, Big Eyes Coin could keep rising through to 2030!

You Won’t Stop With Onswap

Oswap presents its users with a completely decentralised cryptocurrency exchange. It allows users to trade peer-to-peer without the need for a centralised third party. The decentralised exchange (DEX) comes with a user-friendly design and does not require registration to use! 

Additionally, you can earn free airdrop crypto through liquidity mining. Once you deposit cryptocurrency in the Uniswap liquidity pool, you become a liquidity provider. A small fee is charged for every trade that occurs on the platform, and that fee is distributed to all liquidity providers. 

As mentioned above, Oswap has increased in value in the past seven days. At the time of writing, Uniswap has increased by 13%, bringing its market capitalisation to $4.8 billion. Will its positive form continue through Q4? 


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